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TAXIFOLIN - Powerful Antioxidant From Siberia

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TAXIFOLIN (dihydroquercetin) is a naturally occurring bioflavonoid derived only from the bark of Siberian larch (Larix sibirica Ledeb).

TAXIFOLIN (dihydroquercetin) contained in Siberian larch has P-vitamin and antioxidant activity and is one of the most active and stable antioxidants.

The pharmacological properties of dihydroquercetin are well studied by the Research Institute of Pharmacology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Tomsk), the Moscow Medical Academy. I.M. Sechenov, Siberian State Medical University.

Dihydroquercetin prevents the destruction of cell membranes, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, protecting them from damage, restores the permeability of the walls of blood vessels and blood flow.

The pharmacological action of dihydroquercetin is antioxidant, angioprotective, regenerating, detoxifying, decongestant. It inhibits the processes of lipid peroxidation of cell membranes, prevents the destruction of cell membranes, and has a capillary-protective effect. Prevents the development of atherosclerosis, reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke, improves coronary blood flow, myocardial contractility, helps to normalize excitability and conduction. With regular intake of dihydroquercetin, exacerbations of chronic respiratory diseases disappear: pneumonia, chronic obstructive bronchitis, bronchial asthma.

We offer natural Siberian dihydroquercetin from several manufacturers. Products containing it or dihydroquercetin in its pure form are intended for preventive and therapeutic use. Additives, packaging and release forms for all offered products are different. All products have quality certificates and high user ratings.

AMETISametis cat 600

The Ametis company from Blagoveshchensk is the largest industrial complex for the production of extracts from Dahurian larch and has established itself as a stable, competitive market participant.

All activities of the enterprise are subordinated to one goal - the creation of an innovative high-tech production for the complex processing of Dahurian larch wood with the subsequent extraction of unique natural substances. The enterprise does not stand still and is actively developing both in the Russian and international markets, improving production technology, introducing know-how in order to obtain a high-quality, highly effective natural product.

LAVIOCARD EXTRA - to improve the functional state of the cardiovascular system, as an addition to the main therapy for hypertension.

LAVITOL DIHYDROQUERCITIN - natural antioxidant from Dahurian larch with a purity of 99.5%.

BETULIN AMETIS - birch bark extract for liver diseases, atherosclerosis, cholelithiasis, cerebrovascular accident, age-related changes in the body.

LAVIO SPORT - to increase physical performance, accelerate the recovery of the body, reduce pain, enhance protein metabolism.

BAIKAL LEGENDbaikal legend cat 600

The Irkutsk company SibPribor LLC has been processing medicinal raw materials since 2008 and manufactures products under the Baikal Legend trademark. We present completely domestic products developed by Russian scientists and doctors who accompany the entire process of creating Baikal Legend products.

The quality guarantee of our dietary supplements is a combination of the most important factors - 100% environmentally friendly natural raw materials, modern optimal production technologies, high biological activity of the obtained preparations, proven in laboratories. The peculiarity of our products is that the entire drug in your spoon consists of a valuable extract - the medicinal natural components are unchanged, the extract is not encapsulated, without fillers and diluents, as a result of which you see the true amount of the active substance and can be sure of its high quality and in precise dosage.

BIO-DIHYDROQUERCETIN - dihydroquercetin 100% is produced in NANOFORM (ionic-atomic-molecular form), which ensures its maximum antioxidant activity.

BIO-CHAGA - sublimated chaga mushroom extract improves immunity, cleanses the body, has a tonic effect, accelerates the recovery of the body after operations, injuries and serious illnesses.

CEDROVITINcedrovitin cat 600 ps

Natural Siberian products based on the strongest bioflavonoid dihydroquercetin help to stop the processes of destruction of the body.

Antioxidants are able to renew the composition and maintain the functional properties of biomembranes, energy processes, cell division, and the synthesis of biologically active substances. They are able to prevent the destructive effect of free radicals on the cells of living organisms. As a result, the aging process slows down.

In the 1960s, scientists from Irkutsk discovered dihydroquercetin in Siberian larch and proved that the coniferous tree is rich in a unique substance. In the course of further numerous studies by scientists. M. Sechenov, specialists of the Russian Scientific Center for Restorative Medicine, the State Research Center for Preventive Medicine, and the Institute of the Brain proved the preventive and therapeutic efficacy of dihydroquercetin. Substance in 2002 was included in the register of medicines in Russia. Patents received, clinical trials carried out.

LLC Continent Plus from Irkutsk was created on the principle of the most useful and natural products for human health, so we use only natural ingredients for production. For the production of antioxidants Сedrovitin, the purest natural raw material dihydroquercetin is used, obtained from the butt and root parts of Siberian and Dahurian larch. This species of larch grows only in the Far East and Baikal.

CEDROVITIN-P - high activity dihydroquercetin with cedar oil for strong immunity, healthy intestines, beautiful skin.

DKVITIN-P - 100% monocrystalline high activity dihydroquercetin is an effective natural antioxidant.

DKVITIN-P + VITAMIN C - high activity dihydroquercetin with vitamin C.

DKVITIN-P + INULIN - high activity dihydroquercetin with dandelion root extract for strong joints and normalization of cholesterol levels.

EVALARevalar dihydroquercetin cat 600 ps

EVALAR - No. 1 in Russia in the category of natural products to improve health and improve the quality of life.

Evalar product with Dihydroquercetin - to protect against free radicals and the negative effects of the environment, preserve youth and active longevity,for the lungs and bronchi: helps to maintain normal air permeability in the bronchi, facilitates breathing; for the heart and blood vessels: helps maintain normal blood viscosity, heart rate, blood pressure.

The EVALAR company was the first in Russia to start producing natural preparations and dietary supplements according to the original international GMP quality standard.

DIHYDROQUERCETIN EVALAR - an improved formula of quercetin to restore and maintain health in broncho-pulmonary diseases.

ANTI-OXIDANT FORMULA - a powerful vitamin and mineral complex, enhanced with antioxidants.

For 30 years, EVALAR has been discovering the power of plants, studying their natural health benefits and knowing how to pass this on to millions of people. Our job is to ensure that every day you and your families have the opportunity to maintain health with natural products of impeccable quality.

SIBERIAN CEDARsiberian cedar taxifolin baikalsky cat ps

The Siberian Cedar company has been producing preparations based on single-crystal dihydroquercetin since 2009. Currently we offer only Taxifolin Baikalsky. the presence of monocrystalline dihydroquercetin in the product affects its bioactivity. Buying Taxifolin Baikalsky, you are guaranteed to get a highly active, monocrystalline dihydroquercetin, exactly the drug that contains at least 97% of monomers, which predetermine the maximum effectiveness of the impact. We recommend it for taking as a remedy:

  • capillary-strengthening and capillary-protective;
  • hemorheological and anti-inflammatory;
  • antiviral and antibacterial; to eliminate vascular diseases;
  • for the elimination of aneurysms and blood clots in a non-surgical way;
  • preventive and in general therapy for cancer;
  • inhibiting the development of immunodeficiency;
  • elimination of autoimmune diseases.

TAXIFOLIN BAIKALSKY - monocrystalline dihydroquercetin is a unique Taxifolin Baikalsky from the manufacturer: high bioactivity and speed of action.

KAHOR PRODUCTkahor product cat 600

Dihydroquercetin is a substance that rightfully and not without reason claims to be present in the diet of everyone, restore and maintain the natural defenses of our body and prolong our active longevity filled with the brightest and most joyful colors.

DIHYDROQUERCETIN SIBERIAN-C - 94-96% cleaning in powder without the addition of auxiliary substances.

DIHYDROQUERCETIN BAIKALSKY - the active component of the capsules is extra-pure fine-grained dihydroquercetin, a substance isolated from Siberian larch wood, the strongest known natural antioxidant flavonoid.

Regular intake of just one capsule a day will wake up and mobilize the natural reserves of a person for a full, healthy and long life.

This is the optimally selected dosage for prevention, minimizing the negative impact of an aggressive environment (man-made environment, poor ecology, radiation and other radiation, poor-quality, and sometimes simply hazardous food).

Dihydroquercetin has exceptionally high antioxidant properties, participates in the renewal of the most important components of the cell - DNA, activates the human immune system, mobilizing the body's defenses, slows down the aging process, prevents the development of various pathologies, accelerates recovery.

ALTAVEDaltaved taxifolin cat 600

AltaVed is an Altai manufacturing company that has set itself the task of collecting, studying and implementing folk recipes of ancestors in our products. In the modern world, there is an acute problem of healthy nutrition, proper lifestyle, weakening of the immune system, stress, exacerbation of chronic diseases, which leads us to the use and abuse of pharmacological agents of synthetic and chemical origin, which have numerous side effects and contraindications.

100% natural products without the addition of stabilizers and chemicals.

Full quality control from preparation of raw materials to production.

Environmentally friendly raw materials from the foothills of Altai.

GRIFFONIA-MAGNE B6-TAXIFOLIN - food concentrate Naturved №20 Griffonia + Magnesium B6 with dihydroquercetin to restore good mood and sleep.

RASTOROPSHA-BETULIN-TAXIFOLIN - food concentrate Naturved № 19 Milk thistle + Betulin with dihydroquercetin to restore liver functions.

GLUCOSAMINE-CHONDROITIN-TAXIFOLIN - food сoncentrate Naturved № 10 Chondroitin + Glucosamine with dihydroquercetin for the restoration of bone, joint and cartilage tissue.


TAXIFOLIN - Powerful Antioxidant From Siberia


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