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FIR - ABIES SIBIRICA Extract (natural essential oil)

100% natural essential oil from Siberian Tuva.

Base price: 12,00 €
12,00 €

FIR (ABIES SIBIRICA) essential oil is a liquid obtained by processing young shoots of the needles of a fir tree. It has a powerful tonic effect, has a positive effect on the body, is used not only in medicine and cosmetology, but also in everyday life. Pleasant scent of coniferous forest, mild relaxing effect, home beauty treatments. It is a must-have in your collection of essential oils!

Fir is a tree that most of us associate with images of an evergreen forest, freshness, relaxation and, in general, something pleasant. But it is not only beautiful, but also useful. More precisely, not the fir itself, but the fir oil, which has a unique set of useful properties, but has almost no contraindications. It is difficult to find a product that, at a low cost, would bring as much benefit.

Of course, this is not a miracle drug that will instantly heal you of all diseases and problems. But regular procedures with it will improve health, reduce the impact of many chronic diseases, tighten the skin ... And these are just some of the positive aspects observed when using it. It is not for nothing that it is sold in pharmacies, it is used not only at home, but also in medicine and professional cosmetology.

Properties of FIR essential oil:

Real fir oil is a 100% natural product extracted from young shoots of Siberian fir by the method of their water-steam distillation. The mixture is liquid, slightly viscous, has a pleasant coniferous-woody smell and a yellow-green hue. In addition to the essence itself, the composition also contains other substances, including tocopherols, ascorbic acid, carotene, etc.

It is this combination of components that determines the properties of this oil, which are unique in many ways:

  • Slowing down the aging of the skin. The substances contained in the composition increase the saturation of skin cells with vitamins, stimulate the acceleration of local exchange. Thanks to this, the skin is smoothed, visually rejuvenated and more elastic to the touch.
  • Antiseptic effect. When inhaled with vapors, the components of the essence stimulate the elimination of toxins and toxins from the body, contribute to the normalization of the composition of the internal microflora, which also has a positive effect on the general condition.
  • Diuretic effect. The essential oil of fir contributes to an increase in the intensity of metabolism, due to which decay products and undigested substances are removed from the body faster. This has a positive effect on weight normalization. For the same reason, this product is recommended for poisoning, as it helps the internal organs to quickly cope with their consequences.
  • Anesthetic effect. Even doctors recommend this oil for all forms of arthritis and other joint diseases. This is the only etheric essence that has such an effect, and it is pronounced, that is, it is quite noticeable already after the first procedures.
  • Calming effect. A pleasant smell, richness with vitamins and other useful substances, affect the nervous system. Steam baths with fir extract can be recommended in case of nervous exhaustion, depression, overexcited states, etc.
  • Acceleration of overcoming infectious diseases. This is due to the same antiseptic effect, and accelerated due to the fact that the substances from the composition are absorbed faster by the body with fumes.

In fact, this is only part of the beneficial properties of fir oils. But it must be borne in mind that they are inherent exclusively in natural remedies - chemical and combined essences of such a complex no longer have positive effects.

Application of FIR essential oil:

There are four main uses for this substance:

  • In its pure form, both external and internal.
  • In aromatherapy as a base or one of the active ingredients.
  • For inhalation and steam baths.
  • In the manufacture of various balms, ointments, medicinal creams, etc.

It should be noted that it is widely used in both folk and traditional medicine. Many serious scientific works have been devoted to its properties and positive effects.

Oily skin and acne

Regular application of this essential oil to problem areas of the skin helps to normalize the level of fat secretion. For those people who suffer from problems with oily skin, such masks are the recommended cosmetic procedure. You can increase efficiency by combining Siberian fir and grape seed oils.

Also, this remedy copes well with acne and acne, drying them out, suppressing inflammation, and also preventing the appearance of new skin problems.

Baths and pain relief

This oil is amazingly relaxing and soothing when you add just a few drops to the water when you bathe. This procedure allows you to relieve not only stress, but also fatigue, pain, especially in the back and joints. 15 minutes in flavored water and you will feel like a different person!

Rubbing with mixtures with oil can relieve local pain. Including arthritic.


It is widely used in the creation of professional and home cosmetics - creams, masks, balms, etc. The dosage and method of administration in each case depend on the formulation.

Recommended dosage:

It is important to take into account that the fir-based essence is a concentrated product with an initially high content of active substances. Therefore, in no case should you try to exceed the dosage, hoping for an even more pronounced positive effect.

You need to focus on the following values:

  • When used internally, one drop daily is enough. At the same time, it is important to wash it down with water, eat it with honey, jam or something else in order to speed up absorption.
  • For aromatization by spraying around the room, 5 drops are enough for every 15 sq. m. area.
  • On pimples, it can be applied pointwise without diluting. To make a face mask, it is best to mix with water or add to a cream.
  • When inhaled, 2 drops are enough, which you need to breathe for about 5 minutes.
  • For an aroma bath, put 6-7 drops into the water.
  • When rubbing to relieve pain, add 12 drops of oil to every 15 grams of cream or other base.

If in the process of using the essence you experience discomfort, be sure to reduce the dosage!

Contraindications for use:

This tool has practically no contraindications. These include only individual intolerance, periods of pregnancy and breastfeeding, and acute kidney conditions.

In all other cases, the essence of fir will only bring health benefits, and considerable!

Form release:

10 ml



Extract Taiga (Russian Federation)

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Extract Taiga (Russian Federation)

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