CASTOREUM (with cedar turpentine in capsules)
CASTOREUM improves the functioning of many systems: blood, cardiovascular, immune, nervous, normalizes hormonal levels, stops inflammatory and tumor processes, relieves cramps and even neutralizes the effects of radiation exposure. It is a universal natural substance that has a restorative, tonic and anti-aging effect on the body.
Cedar turpentine is a powerful antioxidant of natural origin and an excellent immunostimulant. Regular consumption of gum involves the regeneration process at the cellular level. Cedar gum cleanse gently cleanses the entire body, restoring the structure and function of liver and pancreas cells, removes salts of heavy metals from the body. It has a general strengthening effect, reduces chronic fatigue syndrome, increases mental and physical performance, normalizes cardiac activity, including myocardial infarction.
Vitamin C is very important for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, as it strengthens the vascular wall and interferes with the development of atherosclerosis. Ascorbic acid protects the body from infections, strengthens the immune system, lengthens life expectancy. In the case of smoking, the need for a daily dose of vitamin C is much greater.
Recommended application:
- diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system;
- neurological disorders;
- diseases of a urological nature in men (prostatitis, impotence, hemorrhoids);
- gynecological problems in women (thrush, fibroids and others);
- diseases of the genitourinary system (cystitis, pyelonephritis and others);
- diseases of the musculoskeletal system (injuries, recovery postoperative period);
- diseases of the organs of vision (cataract, conjunctivitis, age-related decline in the quality of vision);
- diseases of the cardiovascular system (arterial hypertension, heart attacks, strokes);
- diabetes;
- hepatitis A and B;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (stomach ulcer, pancreas);
- thrombophlebitis.
castoreum, cedar turpentine, vitamin C.
take 1 capsule inside 3 times a day with meals, washed down with liquid (water, tea, juice).
Form release:
30 capsules capsules of 0,5 g
100% Original from ALTAVED (Russian Federation)
Development and production:
ALTAVED (Russian Federation)