ACTIVE LIFE with SIB-KRUK Natural Products
The research and production company SIB-KRUK was founded in the scientific center of Novosibirsk - Akademgorodok in 1997.
CAPSULES OF YOUTH - HERBS COLLAGENOL - are a science-intensive symbiosis of 3 groups of active ingredients in each capsule:
- a health-improving basis, consisting of collagen, organic sulfur and a targeted vitamin-mineral complex;
- an activator, consisting of powerful nutrients, the most used in the world to solve this problem, such as glucosamine, hyaluronic acid, indole-3-carbinol, etc;.
- a catalyst composed of several bioavailability-enhancing beneficial components such as enzymes, antioxidants, complex carbohydrates.
Due to this, each group of nutrients complements and expands the useful action of other groups.
Taking HERBS COLLAGENOL capsules - you get a deep and wide impact on the most common health problems.
OIL MATRIX EXTRACTS ACTIVE LIFE - in soft gelatin capsules are acoustic extracts from medicinal plants, enriched by innovative technology with antioxidants - Quercetin, Lycopene and Astaxanthin to improve cellular metabolism.
1. Medicinal plants are immersed in oils, ultrasound is fed into the container, which shakes the molecules of useful substances and pushes them out of the plants. The output is an acoustic extract that is three to five times more concentrated than cold-pressed oils.
2. The obtained acoustic extracts are enriched every hour with a certain percentage of antioxidant catalysts, which form new molecular bonds with acoustic extracts from plants, increasing the effectiveness of the obtained new healing compounds by another THREE times. The process lasts about a day, as a result of which strong matrix extracts are obtained for the improvement of the cells of the human body.
In total, there are about 230 different types of cells in the adult human body:
- epithelial cells (nail and hair cells, human skin cells, cells of the mucous membranes of organs);
- secretory cells (cells of the endocrine glands, pituitary gland, cells of the gonads);
- connective tissue cells (cells of the cornea of the eye and vitreous body, cellular structures of muscles, blood vessels, adipose tissue, cells of bone and cartilage matrices);
- blood and immune system (bone marrow cells, Langerhans cells, platelets, erythrocytes, monocytes, lymphocytes, macrophages, neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, stem cells);
- nervous tissue cells (neurons, neuroglial cells);
- sense organs and receptor cells (neuromuscular receptors, photoreceptors, bipolar and glial cells of the retina, auditory analyzer cells, olfactory epithelium cells);
- pigment cells (melanocytes);
- sex cells (sperm, egg).
The technology of matrix extraction from medicinal plants allows you to create complexes for your health that are unique in terms of softness and confidence in their effect! They slowly and gradually, without sudden changes, saturate all the cells with the natural micro-substances they need, brick by brick creating a healthy matrix of your organs.
All cells of your body receive caring and comprehensive nutrition of an organ or tissue. They, like a strong glue, "glue" the damaged areas with biologically active oil matrices, after which they create a reliable protective shell around the restored cell, creating a healthy frame of organs.
VITA FORMULA - are metabolic plant-vitamin complexes developed in collaboration with scientists from three research institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
VITA FORMULA metabolic complexes were developed to normalize and maintain all metabolic processes in the human body (metabolism), to saturate with vitamins and minerals, which are most often lacking in humans, to increase vigor and endurance, to improve rest and sleep processes.
VITA FORMULA complexes are for all people who value their health, striving to remain active, stamina, confidence and good mood all the time. The health-improving formulas of the complexes are grouped according to gender and age needs and characteristics and include all the most necessary biologically active substances for the human body in capsules.
VITA FORMULA vitamin complexes benefits:
- Balanced - in them each vitamin accompanies a natural metabolic synergist, which significantly increases the effectiveness of the beneficial action of each component;
- Eco-friendly - all natural components from environmentally friendly regions;
- Fast - quickly and conveniently apply a complete vitamin-vegetable complex of 19-20 components in three capsules;
- Founded - developed by scientists from three research institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
- Profitable - this is the most profitable combination of investments and the resulting efficiency for vitality and health at any age.
MOLECULAR CAPS - oil molecular extracts are the know-how of the SIB-KRUK company, created jointly with scientists from the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok from several research institutes of the SORAN.
They are complexes of ultra-small lipophilic micelles with high bioavailability from synergistic medicinal plants in capsules. For extraction, medicinal raw materials are used in pure pharmaceutical quality.
Capsules for the heart are designed for the healthy functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous and autonomic systems, improving the blood supply to the heart muscle.
Capsules for the lungs saturate the cells with the necessary biologically active substances in an easily accessible micellar form for the healthy functioning of the broncho-pulmonary system.
Vein capsules are intended for prevention and maintenance therapy for venous insufficiency, phlebitis, varicose veins, vacirocele, lymphadenitis, etc.
Headache capsules are designed to improve the condition with a tendency to headaches of various origins. They relieve spasms of the vessels of the head, relax the muscles, and have a mild analgesic effect. Improve oxygen supply to the brain.
Stress capsules are designed to improve well-being in stressful, anxious, asthenic conditions. Normalize sleep-wake rhythms. Increase mental and physical performance. Help with depression.
TETRA ZYM EXTRACTS - herbal extracts in capsules are professional complexes of standardized pharmaceutical extracts with a small molecular weight from medicinal plants, activated by the most powerful antioxidant enzymes or tetraenzymes - Superoxide dismutase (SOD) + Catalase (CAT) + Glutathione peroxidase (GPx).
Tetrazyme extracts are your protectors against cell damaging factors. They build a powerful antioxidant neutralizing barrier and contain pharmaceutical extracts of medicinal plants, which then regenerate and improve the work of the organ they are directed to. Those. in simple words, they are for you, powerful antioxidant protection + professional recovery of organs.
Tetrazyme extracts include the most widely acting antioxidants (or super antioxidants), which are as close and familiar to the human cell as possible. in a healthy body they are in all cells.
COLLAGEN PRO WITH PEPTIDES - professional complex based on marine collagen.
COLLAGEN PRO is a professional complex based on pharmaceutical grade Swedish marine collagen with increased absorption.
COLLAGEN PRO contains hydrolyzed low molecular weight collagen peptides from wild cod with four strengthening formulas. Made from sustainably sourced fish, CollagPRO Marine Collagen Peptides are hydrolysed for easier digestion and faster absorption for the best results.
COLLAGEN PRO is suitable for vegetarians who eat fish and seafood and follow a pescatarian diet.
Structural support and strengthening of the musculoskeletal system with natural JOINT PRO collagen complex
JOINT PRO complex is a professional 5-step collagen complex for nourishing and strengthening the musculoskeletal system, which is fortified with 4 booster (enhancing) formulas to improve and expand the beneficial effects of collagen on the body.
The product contains hydrolyzed marine fish collagen PEPTIDES.
Natural collagen complex SKIN PRO for structural support, nutrition and strengthening of the skin, hair shaft and follicles, nail plates
SKIN PRO Complex is a professional 5-step collagen complex to nourish and strengthen skin, hair and nails, which is fortified with 4 booster (enhancing) formulas to improve and expand the beneficial effects of collagen on the body.
The product contains hydrolyzed marine fish collagen PEPTIDES.
Natural collagen complex VISIO PRO for eye health and vision improvement
VISIO PRO complex is a professional 5-step collagen complex for nourishing and strengthening the cornea, lens, vitreous body, ocular vessels and nerves, which is enhanced with 4 booster (enhancing) formulas to improve and expand the beneficial effects of collagen on the body.
The product contains hydrolyzed marine fish collagen PEPTIDES.
IQ-CAPS CELL COMPLEXES - professional cellular complexes are very valuable phytopreparations in their composition, which have a mild corrective effect on the body. Our smart capsules contain medicinal plants of two different sizes:
3-6 microns (middle fraction serves as a sorbent)
0.5 micron (fine fraction, quickly absorbed into the blood, providing a healing effect)
ACTIVE LIFE with SIB-KRUK Natural Products
Natural complex of concentrated...
Natural complex of concentrated...
Capsules of youth HERBS COLLAGENOL HAIR+
Natural complex of concentrated...
Capsules of youth HERBS COLLAGENOL SKIN+
Natural complex of concentrated...
Natural complex of concentrated...
Natural complex of concentrated...
ATHERO-NORM Oil matrix technology (cleansing and healing of blood vessels and arteries)
Oil matrix from medicinal plants for...
VEGETO-NORM Oil matrix technology (prevention of vegetovascular disorders)
Oil matrix from medicinal plants to...
DIABETO-NORM Oil matrix technology (improving the quality of life in diabetes)
Oil matrix from medicinal plants for...
IMMUNO-NORM Oil matrix technology (normalization of the immune defense of the body)
Oil matrix from medicinal plants with...
KETODIET-NORM Oil matrix technology (ketogenic weight loss and fat burning)
Oil matrix from medicinal plants for...
COLONO-NORM Oil matrix technology (cleansing and normalization of bowel functions)
Oil matrix from medicinal plants to...
NEPHRO-NORM Oil matrix technology (comprehensive kidney health support)
Oil matrix from medicinal plants for...
THYROID-NORM Oil matrix technology (improved quality of life in hypothyroidism)
Oil matrix from medicinal plants for...
PHARYNGO-NORM Oil matrix technology (soothing and improving the condition of the throat)
Oil matrix from medicinal plants in...
CHOLECY-NORM Oil matrix technology (cleansing and healing of the gallbladder)
Oil matrix from medicinal plants for...
VITA FORMULA MAN 25+ (metabolic plant-vitamin complexes)
Metabolic plant complex with vitamins...
VITA FORMULA MAN 45+ (metabolic plant-vitamin complexes)
Metabolic plant complex with vitamins...
VITA FORMULA WOMAN 25+ (metabolic plant-vitamin complexes)
Metabolic plant complex with vitamins...
VITA FORMULA WOMAN 45+ (metabolic plant-vitamin complexes)
Metabolic plant complex with vitamins...
NO ARRHYTHMIA (molecular caps)
Complex of oil molecular extracts for...
NO BRONCHITIS (molecular caps)
Complex of oil molecular extracts for...
NO CHOLESTEROL (molecular caps)
Complex of oil molecular extracts to...
NO MIGRAINE (molecular caps)
Complex of oil molecular extracts for...
NO HOT FLASHES (molecular caps)
Complex of oil molecular extracts for a...
NO STRESS (molecular caps)
Complex of oil molecular extracts...
NO VARICOSE (molecular caps)
Complex of oil molecular extracts for...
TETRA ZYM CARDIOL (extracts for heart health and pulse normalization)
A powerful complex for maintaining the...
TETRA ZYM IMMUNI (extracts for immune system)
A powerful complex to balance the work...
TETRA ZYM LIVERO (extracts to improve liver function)
A powerful complex based on Tetrazyme...
TETRA ZYM MALE-PRO (extracts for the male reproductive system)
A powerful complex to support the...
TETRA ZYM PHLEBO (extracts for the health of veins and blood vessels)
A powerful complex based on Tetrazyme...
TETRA ZYM TROMBO (extracts to thin the blood and dissolve blood clots)
A powerful complex to thin the blood,...
IQ-CAPS ENDOCRINO (cell complexes for the thyroid gland)
Professional phytocomplex based on...
IQ-CAPS GASTRO (cell complexes for improvement of the gastrointestinal tract)
Professional phytocomplex based on...
IQ-CAPS GERONTO (cell complexes for elderly people)
Professional phytocomplex based on...
IQ-CAPS HEPATO (cell complexes to cleanse and protect the liver)
Professional phytocomplex based on...
IQ-CAPS LORINGO (cell complexes for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the ENT organs)
Professional phytocomplex based on...
IQ-CAPS MEMORY (cell complexes to improve memory and concentration)
Professional phytocomplex based on...
IQ-CAPS NEURO (cell complexes to keep the nervous system healthy)
Professional phytocomplex based on...
IQ-CAPS OPHTALMO (cell complexes to improve vision)
Professional phytocomplex based on...
IQ-CAPS PANCREA (cell complexes for the improvement of the pancreas)
Professional phytocomplex based on...
IQ-CAPS PHLEBIO (cell complexes to strengthen the veins)
Professional phytocomplex based on...
IQ-CAPS PROSTATO (cell complexes for the prevention of prostatitis)
Professional phytocomplex based on...
IQ-CAPS REVMA (cell complexes for the prevention of rheumatism)
Professional phytocomplex based on...
IQ-CAPS UROLOG (cell complexes against diseases of the urinary system)
Professional phytocomplex based on...
IQ-CAPS WOMAN (cell complexes for the health of women)
Professional phytocomplex based on...
IQ-CAPS SLIM (cell complexes for successful weight loss)
Professional phytocomplex based on...
COLLAGEN PRO JOINT (hydrolyzed marine fish collagen peptides)
Natural collagen complex for joints...
COLLAGEN PRO SKIN (hydrolyzed marine fish collagen peptides)
Natural collagen complex for skin based...
COLLAGEN PRO VISIO (hydrolyzed marine fish collagen peptides)
Natural collagen complex based on...